Monday, 30 April 2018

Fia Fia term 1

Fia Fia? what is Fia Fia? well fia fia is a cultural festival that pt England school has every second year. fia fia is a great way to boost other peoples confidence. it is also a great way to represent your culture and your style of dancing. Theres a variety of groups to perform in, and you can choose which one you want to be in. you can chose 1-3 groups.

On Thursday last term, we held our annual fia fia. I was in the kapa haka group, and we performed first. we performed 4 items. on thursday it was also the last day of the term and it was a great way to end term 1 2018. everybodys performance was amazing but i couldn't stay for the whole entire thing, because it was raining.  but fortunately i could watch it from home on the live stream that they were streaming from the night. we held our fia fia on our school grounds, we put the stage on the field. overall I personally loved fia fia night because i got to see all the other groups perform.   

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