Wednesday, 4 December 2019
💡UV Lights 💡|| Extension
This term we learnt about UV Light and we built our own little UV sensor that tells how strong the UV light is from the sun. This presentation tells what UV light is.
Monday, 11 November 2019
🔬Genomics🧬 || smallest to largest
Task description:
Today in room 4 we are doing genomics. In the first photo we had to rank the organisms from smallest to largest and in the 2nd photo we had to rank smallest to largest from dna,chromosomes, cells and an organism.
Friday, 25 October 2019
🧬Tracking My Learning🧬 || 🔬Genomics🔬
Last term we learnt about Genomics. Here are some of my information about genomics.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
🧬Cheek cells🧬 || 🔬Genomics🔬
2019 Naomi,
room 4,
room 4 2019
Friday, 27 September 2019
🔬🧬Naomi || Genomics🧬🔬
🔬🧬This term we have been learning about genomics. This term we learnt a lot about cells and genetics. We learnt about the organelles that live in a cell. This is my animation explaining the organelles in the cell, I did not get to animate the organelles because we spent most of our term learning about the cell than to draw them on the imac. So I just drew a normal cell and talked about each organelle. We also wrote down all our information in our Tracking my learning slides. Hope you enjoy!🧬🔬
If you didn't hear what I was saying in my animation here is a link to my script: LINK
And if you couldn't see the graphics in my video here is another version with no audio: LINK
LINK to presentation
Task description/explanation:
This term is all about living things and for inquiry we are learning about the origin of life, Organs in our body and cells. My animation for this term was supposed to be about the organelles in the cells and explaining how each organelle works in the cell. We spent most of our term learning about this that we didn't have that much time to draw it on the imacs. The video above was my attempt at showing/explaining what each organelle does. The presentation was just an addition to my animation showing what the organelles do in more depth.🧬🧬🔬🔬
If you didn't hear what I was saying in my animation here is a link to my script: LINK
And if you couldn't see the graphics in my video here is another version with no audio: LINK
LINK to presentation
Task description/explanation:
This term is all about living things and for inquiry we are learning about the origin of life, Organs in our body and cells. My animation for this term was supposed to be about the organelles in the cells and explaining how each organelle works in the cell. We spent most of our term learning about this that we didn't have that much time to draw it on the imacs. The video above was my attempt at showing/explaining what each organelle does. The presentation was just an addition to my animation showing what the organelles do in more depth.🧬🧬🔬🔬
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
This weeks work is all about mammals and how they survive in the amazon rainforest. Our task is to understand what a mammal is and how it adapts to its surroundings. The walt for this weeks work is : Identify and paraphrase key ideas in a text. we have been doing that with the transcript and writing our notes onto the paper version. Hopefully you like my piece of work.
De extinction
This week we are learning about De-extinction. This week we were reading a text called "jurassic park for the birds" which is about De-extinction and trying to bring the passenger pigeon back to life. We understand now, what the 3 main ways of de-extinction is and how it is used.
Friday, 9 August 2019
This is old work from week 2
Task description:
This weeks reading work is about the 7 life processes (MRS GREN). First we had to watch the video then we had to take notes on the transcript, this time i took my notes on my chromebook and not paper. After that I had to create something to show MRS GREN I couldn't make a song or a rap so I just wrote a description of what I think MRS GREN is.
Scientific method
This is my reading work from week one I just forgot to post it on my blog.
Task description:
This Task is about what is science and methods that scientist use to figure out something. We also had to watch the video and take some notes, There was a transcript to the video and we took notes on the paper transcript. After we finished our notes we had to create a way to show one the following: the scientific method, physical science, life science or earth science. I chose to create a poster for the scientific method, i did use photos from google but I did attribute them and you can click on the link here to see the poster: Link
Friday, 2 August 2019
Explanation of the origin of life
This is My explanation of what I think the origin of life is. The question we were all wondering was "can science explain the origin of life" and My answer was No. My answer is no because they still don't know, but maybe they will know later on. Scientists think that the first cell was made by a bunch of atoms accidentally connecting. This was the video transcript that we had to read: Link
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Making Kumara frittata
The ingredients are: Kumara , 3 eggs and 1 cup of milk.
The materials you will need is: A large mixing bowl , a whisk , a crater , a knife , a potato peeler and an oven.
- Firstly you would want to get the Kumara and peel the skin of the kumara and then crate the kumara on the crater.
- Then in another bowl, crack 3 eggs in the large bowl and add 1 cup of milk whilst whisking the eggs.
- Then you want to mix the crated kumara and the whisked eggs together and whisk more.
- After mixing put the mixture in a baking tin then put it in the oven for about 20 minutes or more. If it has been 20 minutes and the frittata still does not look golden brown leave it in the oven until you think you should pull it out. After that Take it out and Enjoy what you have made!
- ------------------------
- This work is from 3 weeks ago but I didn't get around to posting it.
Cooking with Us

1 1/2 cups of self rising flour
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of cocoa , 50g of chocolate chips
1/2 cup of oil
1/2 cup of milk and 1 egg
2 Tbs of yoghurt
1 tsp vanilla essence
mix all together and pour 1 tbsp of muffin batter into the muffin tin. After all of the batter is in the tray Bake it in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 mins. If the muffins aren't cooked by then leave it in the oven and keep an eye on it, use a fork or a skewer to poke in the middle. If any residue is on the skewer leave the muffins in the oven for a little bit longer. Take out of the oven and ENJOY!
This is work from 2 weeks ago, I just didn't get around to posting it.
This is work from 2 weeks ago, I just didn't get around to posting it.
Friday, 26 July 2019
The tree of life!
This is the tree of life. We learnt that in 1835 Charles Darwin discovered that all living things are connected. Animals change over millions of years so they can survive. Things at the bottom of the tree came before the things at the top.
Tuesday, 23 July 2019

1 cup of milk
4 eggs
and pastry
First we added the milk and the eggs in one bowl and we whisked it, then we had to dice the ham into tiny little pieces. Then we put the diced ham in a separate bowl with some cheese. Then we grabbed our muffin tray and pastry, we had to cut our pastry into circular pieces so that it would fit into our muffin tray. We then Poured our egg mixture into the muffin tray with and pastry and then we added son ham and cheese after that. We baked it in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Then we took it out and it was ready to enjoy!
Monday, 22 July 2019
Start of term 3!
Today is the first day of term 3! As the new term starts we have a new theme, and the theme for this term is "Something in the water". So we are learning about fish, science and living things. Room four has started our learning by figuring out what is alive and what are some things that show that and "object" is alive.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Scratch Animation
Task description: This is my animation of my learning this term, this terms theme is I like your Latitude. This theme is for us to learn about countries and continents. This is a little animation to show what I learnt but there is way more that we learnt.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Trying Empanada's

Friday, 14 June 2019
Europe and north america
There is a huge connection between Europe and north america. Today in room four home class we learnt about the differences between north america and Europe and we actually had some similarity as well. Some of the differences are with there landmarks and architectures. But we knew that there are a lot of similarity's because Europe colonized North america and now they both trade some of their brands, foods and businesses. We also noticed that america's original brands and fast foods has been spread around the world, like Mc Donald's and more. So was it for today's lesson and I hope you enjoyed learning or checking out my post.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
It used to be green once
WALT: Identify and analyse key elements of a short story
Task description: This task is all about a story called "it used to be green once" and we had to read and Analyse the keys information about the story to answer the questions. This work Was from week 3 and I didn't have that much time to finish it so i am finishing it off now. I also did not have time to create a role play because I did not have enough people to do it with me aswell.
Task description: This task is all about a story called "it used to be green once" and we had to read and Analyse the keys information about the story to answer the questions. This work Was from week 3 and I didn't have that much time to finish it so i am finishing it off now. I also did not have time to create a role play because I did not have enough people to do it with me aswell.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Taste testing!
for part of our topic ( i like your latitude) we are trying different foods from different places. Today we are tasting Mediterranean food and French food! we tried Olives, Bruschetta bread, feta cheese and A chocolate croissant. The olives were a bit salty and very bitter, kind of like a apple sider vinegar kind of bitter. The bread was very delicious and it also had a little bit of olive oil. The Chocolate croissant was very Light and puffy, The croissant tasted like heaven. No offense to Mediterranean people I just did not like the bitter olives but besides that I loved the rest of the food. 
Photo attribution: Link
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Concrete Coordinates
Last week we were learning about coordinates and how to work out where something is on the grid. Some questions where hard to answer but I still managed to answer most of them, we had no help from Mrs Stone as she was in Christchurch. This presentation was all done independently and I could help some of my friends as well.
Facile Fractions
This week we are learning about FRACTIONS! on this slide there is a lot of questions. also on this slide is stages from 1-3 but I only made it up to stage 2 and 2+. That's still good because that means I can learn more about fractions to answer stage 3. from this I can tell that I Kind of know what is equivalent to most fractions and I can find up to 4 equivalent fractions.
Friday, 31 May 2019
Lamb to the slaughter
This weeks task/ text is Lamb to the slaughter. It was written by the one and only Roald dahl, There were some spelling mistakes but we knew how to read around it. Lamb to the slaughter is basically about a Lady could Mary and she is way to obsessed with her husband Patrick. Patrick tells Mary something and Mary get so upset that she kills Patrick and trys to act innocent. Also there is an irony task and I also completed that.
Prefect Korero/ S.I.P.P
Since it is Samoan language week this week The prefects and Mr Burt decided to pick a Korero that kind of relates to Samoan language week. So the Korero for this week is... S.I.P.P (Say It Properly, Please). this Korero is mostly for people who have difficult names and many other cultural languages. So if there is something in Samoan and you don't know how to say it try and learn it and say it because some people take offence when you say their name or their language wrong.
Friday, 24 May 2019
Year 8 Camp
Last week all of the year 8's went on camp! It was really fun. it was a great opportunity for others to step up and be leaders. we all learned that everyone is a leader in their own special way. Also, we talked about what we do and what we say. we also did some fun activities like... going on go karts, shooting air rifles, going on the rail way jiggers, riding BMX bikes, played paintball, had a ride on the flying fox and more awesome and cool activities. we had a cultural performance where each groups performed their items, and also we had 4 groups. Thames, Coromandel, Kaearanga and kauri. the campsite we went to was Kaearanga valley christian camp. we all had fun learning how to be leaders and having fun as a group. link to photos:
prefects korero
This weeks korero is T.E.A.M. we chose this korero because we had people coming in and checking what we were doing and we all worked as a team and showed them the Pt England way. after the visitors left we got some good feedback and we were all so happy.
Friday, 3 May 2019
What is Latitude and longitude
Task description:
today I learnt the differences between longitude and latitude. My explanation for longitude and latitude is right above and the coordinates for longitude and latitude for our school is on there too.
compass descriptions
WALT: use compass directions to describe locations.
Task description:
This term our inquiry is "I like your Latitude". we learnt about the compass directions. we had to look at the map of New Zealand and compare different places using the compass directions. for example Bluff is the south of New Zealand and the south of the south island.
Just clean it
Monday, 29 April 2019
My school Holidays!
What did i do in the holidays? Well in the holidays I mostly spent my holidays inside and on my Chromebook. But in the holidays I went to the Manukau cinemas and I watched the new avengers movie ( The Avengers: End game). But besides the movie I went to a holiday programme in Mangere. The holiday programme was called Teine Toa it is a programme for girls in year 6-8 to learn about rugby and our samoan culture. It was a good opportunity for girls like me to learn more about rugby and be more confident in my culture. At the Teine toa programme we had people from the black ferns and the manusina girls team , teaching us about rugby. so my holidays were GREAT!
Friday, 29 March 2019
Attitude talk with Jannah
Today we had an attitude talk with Jannah. Jannah is a member of the attitude company. Attitude members come to our school to talk about puberty or friendships. Jannah talked to us about friendships, I also found out that girls say way more words than boys. Jannah talked about a lot of things but the important things she said was how to make friends, how to be a good friend and how not to treat your friend . we loved hearing Jannah telling us stories about her past and it was very funny. Thank you to attitude for talking to us it was very funny and we loved hearing stories about being a good friend.
Today In literacy we tasted some sour patch kids and we had to write some juicy words into this format. first we tasted the sour lollie and then we had to come up with some juicy words and put them into a poem. so I hope you enjoy my poem up above.
Friday, 15 March 2019
This week in room 4 math we are learning about percentages. this task is this weeks work and I only did 2 slides. there were many but I couldn't really workout the other ones that well so I just posted the ones That I could understand and figure out. Hope you enjoy my work.
My writing test review
Pt england beach, the GI library, the internet cafe and Pt england school. They are all so special, don’t you think? Well I think so! Do you have a special place in the community? Well I do, and I am here to share my special place with you.
My special place in the community is the marist rugby club. Why? Well first of all they are so welcoming. Last year I started playing tackle rugby for the marist rugby club. I was so scared to play because everyone knows that rugby is known as a “Boy sport” and I was scared if they would think i was weak because I was a girl. As weeks went by, Trainings got harder But I started to feel more comfortable and felt welcomed to the team. That is the first reason why Marist rugby club is so special to me.
Playing with the boys was hard. That’s why we needed to work as a team and stick together. Marist rugby club is not just welcoming but they can work together well too! Teamwork plays a big role when it comes to playing rugby, Because without teamwork we would be freestyling and have no game play. My second reason I think that marist rugby club is so special is because when I needed help to tackle someone down they had my back and helped me take them down.
I think marist rugby club is special, not only because they are welcoming and they have great teamwork. But the marist rugby club is special to me because the people were so nice and kind. If they weren't nice and kind, the marist rugby club wouldn’t be as special as it is now. So my third reason why the marist rugby club is special is because the of how nice and kind they were to me.
So now you know all the reasons why marist rugby club is special to me. Being welcoming, Working as a team and being nice and kind make the marist rugby club special to me.
Pt england beach, the GI library, the internet cafe and Pt england school. They are all so special, don’t you think? Well I think so! Do you have a special place in the community? Well I do, and I am here to share my special place with you.
My special place in the community is the marist rugby club. Why? Well first of all they are so welcoming. Last year I started playing tackle rugby for the marist rugby club. I was so scared to play because everyone knows that rugby is known as a “Boy sport” and I was scared if they would think i was weak because I was a girl. As weeks went by, Trainings got harder But I started to feel more comfortable and felt welcomed to the team. That is the first reason why Marist rugby club is so special to me.
Playing with the boys was hard. That’s why we needed to work as a team and stick together. Marist rugby club is not just welcoming but they can work together well too! Teamwork plays a big role when it comes to playing rugby, Because without teamwork we would be freestyling and have no game play. My second reason I think that marist rugby club is so special is because when I needed help to tackle someone down they had my back and helped me take them down.
I think marist rugby club is special, not only because they are welcoming and they have great teamwork. But the marist rugby club is special to me because the people were so nice and kind. If they weren't nice and kind, the marist rugby club wouldn’t be as special as it is now. So my third reason why the marist rugby club is special is because the of how nice and kind they were to me.
So now you know all the reasons why marist rugby club is special to me. Being welcoming, Working as a team and being nice and kind make the marist rugby club special to me.
this is my writing test work and this was an explanation writing. This is my special place. My writing task for this week was to check our writing with a buddy and post the review on our blog I had no partner but I am just going to fix up my own mistakes. so this link will take you to My review on my writing test. Link:
Poly fest recount
Have you ever been to Polyfest? Do you know what Polyfest is? Well if you don’t you have come to the right place. Polyfest is a cultural performance performed by thousands and thousands of college students. Polyfest is normally held across New zealand, It is a three day event in auckland. It gives the college kids the chance to represent their culture and try to compete to see which group is better at showing their culture in many ways. Well now that you know what Polyfest is, I am going to tell you all about what we did at polyfest wednesday.
We got on the bus and we were on our way. It wasn’t a long ride but it was alright, when we arrived at polyfest we saw a lot of different schools and we had to wait in a long line full of school kids. When we got to the gate we received polyfest rest bands and they were important or else we couldn’t go into the premises. We got in and went straight to the niuean stage I recognised the niuean stage because My cousin performed on the stage for auckland girls grammar. Anyways, we sat down near the stage but no one was performing we had a meeting and then after the meeting we were Free!
The first thing that we did and the thing i loved was all the activities. Our first activity was flava the radio channel, with flava we got to learn some cool dance moves from professional dancers. Our second activity was with the fire safety people, they gave us some questions about how to be firewise and we had to answer them correctly. If all of our answers were correct we would go in to the draw to win a prize. Our next activity was with AUT (auckland university of technology) and we were making cool dance moves. After we danced with the AUT students we got a free gift from them. Our last activity was with the election people, We learned who does what. Like, what Jacinda Ardern does and what Phil Goff does. We learnt when your allowed to enroll to vote and when your allowed to vote.
I also loved polyfest because of all the free stuff we got. After most of the activities we got some free stuff, some of the stuff was because we asked for them. After the election place we got a free rest band, we also got sunglasses from the ministry of education for answering some questions, then we got a free Tee-shirt from radio samoa for showing off our cool dance moves and lastly we got a temporary moko and pacifica tattoo.
My favourite bit about polyfest was the Maori stage ( kapa haka). Why? Well Kapa haka is my culture and I love watching people perform their style of dancing and showing off their culture to many many people. We also saw a person from fresh on the kapa haka stage and she was one of the hosts. Also bethan (a fellow friend) won a prize from the hosts, They asked anyone for one maori word and she got picked to answer the question. Unfortunately I forgot the word that she said but fortunately she won the prize. I thought that was cool.
So after that exciting day we came home with a lot of free things and some great memories. Overall polyfest was an awesome experience and I would definitely recommend going to see polyfest and watching all the stages.
Task description: this task was supposed to be a recount writing but I kind of forgot how to do a recount so I just did an explanation of what poly fest is and what we did on Wednesday.
We got on the bus and we were on our way. It wasn’t a long ride but it was alright, when we arrived at polyfest we saw a lot of different schools and we had to wait in a long line full of school kids. When we got to the gate we received polyfest rest bands and they were important or else we couldn’t go into the premises. We got in and went straight to the niuean stage I recognised the niuean stage because My cousin performed on the stage for auckland girls grammar. Anyways, we sat down near the stage but no one was performing we had a meeting and then after the meeting we were Free!
The first thing that we did and the thing i loved was all the activities. Our first activity was flava the radio channel, with flava we got to learn some cool dance moves from professional dancers. Our second activity was with the fire safety people, they gave us some questions about how to be firewise and we had to answer them correctly. If all of our answers were correct we would go in to the draw to win a prize. Our next activity was with AUT (auckland university of technology) and we were making cool dance moves. After we danced with the AUT students we got a free gift from them. Our last activity was with the election people, We learned who does what. Like, what Jacinda Ardern does and what Phil Goff does. We learnt when your allowed to enroll to vote and when your allowed to vote.
I also loved polyfest because of all the free stuff we got. After most of the activities we got some free stuff, some of the stuff was because we asked for them. After the election place we got a free rest band, we also got sunglasses from the ministry of education for answering some questions, then we got a free Tee-shirt from radio samoa for showing off our cool dance moves and lastly we got a temporary moko and pacifica tattoo.
My favourite bit about polyfest was the Maori stage ( kapa haka). Why? Well Kapa haka is my culture and I love watching people perform their style of dancing and showing off their culture to many many people. We also saw a person from fresh on the kapa haka stage and she was one of the hosts. Also bethan (a fellow friend) won a prize from the hosts, They asked anyone for one maori word and she got picked to answer the question. Unfortunately I forgot the word that she said but fortunately she won the prize. I thought that was cool.
So after that exciting day we came home with a lot of free things and some great memories. Overall polyfest was an awesome experience and I would definitely recommend going to see polyfest and watching all the stages.
Task description: this task was supposed to be a recount writing but I kind of forgot how to do a recount so I just did an explanation of what poly fest is and what we did on Wednesday.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Being test ready!
This week we are finishing off unfinished work and this was just lying in my google drive so I decided to finish of this. This task is a practice test for last week, since testing was coming around the corner we decided to do a practice test. there is a lot of questions that we had to answer most of them were about our vocabulary and how well we knew the words in the story.
What is my favourite things to do at school?
Camps, cross country, athletics and much more fun events that we have at pt england school. In this piece of writing I’ll be telling you my favourite things to do at school and what my favourite events were.
Firstly, The thing I love about school is Morning tea and lunch! Reason being is because after a long morning or afternoon of learning I get to be free and play with my friends. I also love morning tea and lunch because I get to eat and I get to rest.
Firstly, The thing I love about school is Morning tea and lunch! Reason being is because after a long morning or afternoon of learning I get to be free and play with my friends. I also love morning tea and lunch because I get to eat and I get to rest.
Secondly after my 8 years at Pt england I think that I really enjoyed Year 6 camp! I think that our year 6 camp was my best memory at pt england by far. Because we got to do different activities and It is the longest camp at pt england. Also we got along together pretty well and everybody was nice to each other.
Lastly, my favourite event that I did at school was fia fia. I loved fia fia especially about performing on the stage but mostly about watching the different cultures perform their dances. I love Fia fia because it is all about culture and where your from. At the start of fia fia I was scared to perform in front of everyone but I got over it and I gave it my all.
So now you know what my favourite thing to do at school and what were my favourite things that we do at pt england school. Year 6 camp and fia fia are only two events out of much more events that we have at pt england, that is why pt england school is very important to me.
Friday, 1 March 2019
My Visual Mihi

Malo e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu and greetings to you all. This is my visual mihi for 2K19. First of all, the whole of team 5 is doing a visual mihi individually. A visual Mihi is where you have to draw four very important parts of your life and also yourself in the middle. My first picture I decided to draw was a flag and it was the tongan flag. Why? well because I'm tongan and also in the next picture I tried to draw the niuean flag. Both of those flags represent my cultures I am also Samoan and maori, So I am Tongan, Niuean, Samoan and Maori. I decided to draw the Tongan and Niuean Flag only because I know more about it and I can understand most of it. In the third drawing it has A lot of sport balls and the Auckland touch logo, So I think you guys can get what this drawing was about. SPORTS! Yes I love sports, sports Plays a big part in my life. Everytime after school I have some kind of sport training. The sport balls Represent me playing different kinds of sports and the Auckland touch logo represents my love for touch. Last year I trialed for auckland touch but unfortunately I did not make it in the team but this year i trialed again and I finally made it in the team! Moving on to the next slide, My family plays the Biggest role in my life. My family means everything to me, They back me up , they have my back, they would never turn on me and thats why I love them more than anything. So that is my Visual mihi guys I hope you like My drawings and my explanation about every drawing. P.S My drawing about myself is the same one from last year because this year I finished my face drawing but someone deleted it so I compromised and did the one from last year. THANK YOU!!!
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Mahy Reading group
1. My reading group name is Mahy so that must mean that Magaret Mahy is who I am researching about.
a. Magaret Mahy was born on the 21st of march in 1936 and unfortunately died on the 23rd of July 2012.
b. she is the eldest of her five siblings, she was born and raised in whakatane. her dad would often tell her and her siblings short stories and that influenced Magaret Mahy to start writing short stories.
Are you a good Role model
Are you a good role model?
By Naomi
Are you a Good role model? Do you want to be a good role model? Well if you do, then you have come to the right place. I will be covering 3-4 different ideas in each paragraph.
First of all if you are a role model I think that being kind would make you a Good role model. Because being kind plays a big role in Being a good role model. Showing kindness and being kind can be really inspirational to little kids. Because if you do something kind then little kids will follow in your footsteps and do something kind as well.
Secondly I think that taking responsibility is also good when you are being a role model. Taking responsibility means when someone is being disrespectful you need to take responsibility. Also have a talk with that person, it doesn’t have to be a harsh talking to. Just let them know that it is not respectful.
Thirdly, Being a good role model means you need to stay positive. If times are tough just be positive and fight through the pain. Keeping a smile on your face means a lot. If you stay positive no matter what it will show little kids that there is always a bright side to everything.
Taking responsibility, being positive and being kind are just a few things that make a good role model. If you have these 3 things then are an amazing role model. If you don’t then don’t worry just try your best and you will get there. Overall I think that being a good role model means having a big heart and being kind to everyone around you. That is What I think makes a good role model.
Task description:
Our writing for this week and last week was all about being a good role model. Most of us seniors are leaders so we should have a fair idea of what being a good role model means. This writing is explanation writing, meaning I am trying to explain what a good role model does or means.
Maths home work week 3
This week For home work I had to solve a variety of problems and I had to share How I worked them out. Each slide has my answers to each questions. This is my home work for week 3. I used different ways to solve the problems. My main focus was to find the main points to solve the question. #HomeLearrning2019
This week I read a book called smile, So I decided to do a book review it is also my literacy work and my homework, So I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. P.S no birds were killed in the making of this task. But anyways I will be doing a lot more book reviews in the future and I hope you Guys like what I got to say about this book. #HomeLearning2019
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Compare and contrast
Today in extension, We had to compare the differences about the pt England way and the treaty of Waitangi. After we named the differences we had to do the similarities. We haven't quite finished but We are posting this now so we can compare our knowledge about the treaty of Waitangi now then what we will know at the end of the term.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Monday, 11 February 2019
Light house Blues
My version of chapter 3
They Both looked at each other, Anton put on his jacket not because he was cold only because he was scared. They walked back to the house, They went to bed. Suddenly Anton wakes up, He thought he saw someone. Anton saw a person with white hair and saw him playing the clarinet. He was scared, He started to panic. He ignored it then he saw someone else, with brown hair and he was playing the saxophone. He started to act suspicious, He had a weird feeling that the people were stan's grandfather and father. The next morning Anton told Stan what he saw. A person playing the clarinet with white hair and another person playing the saxophone with brown hair. Stan was curious because the people in Anton’s Dream was the same people as Captain Rickard and Alan Rickard. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!
Task description: This task was all about predicting what the next chapter was. Also we had to listen actively to know what we were writing. We had to think creatively to write what we thought was going to be chapter three. After we wrote our version of chapter 3 we read the actual book and found out that some of our ideas were in the book.
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